20 Questions for 20 Years

July 7, 2024

20 Questions for 20 Years

Get to know Freightplus’ Rod Mackay

Rod and John stand in orange hi-vis vests and wait hard hats. Rod has his hands on his hips and John has his arms crossed. They stand in front of a large yellow CAT6090 excavator
Rod and John with a CAT 6090 Excavator

1. What is your role at Freightplus? 

I’m the Country Manager for Japan.

2. How many years have you been at Freightplus? 

I’ve been at Freightplus for 20 years as of April this year.

3. What has been your favourite moment at Freightplus? 

Honestly, too many to pick just one.

4. What do you like most about Freightplus?

I get to work with some great people and I get to meet some great people.

5. What advice would you give today, to the you from 20 years ago? 

I don’t know if would have any advice for me, but I would have told me to “do it”.

6. As a schoolboy, what did you want to be when you grew up? 

Grow up?

7. Most valuable thing you’ve learned in your job?  

Honesty is the best policy.

8. Biggest achievement while at Freightplus? 

Possibly the movement of 116 machines from various New Zealand sites to Ritchie Bros. Auction sites in Australia back in 2009. Delivery was completed in full, two weeks ahead of the required deadline and thousands of dollars under budget — all items sold at auction.

Check out the case study! 

Rod wears an open orange hi-vis vest, a black Freightplus company polo and blue jeans. he leans side ays onto a yellow CAT wheel loader
Rod on the job in New Zealand, awaiting loading on to a RORO vessel

9. Most enjoyable project you’ve worked on? 

Maybe the 116 machines job in New Zealand or the 6090s out of Indonesia. There have been a lot.

Check out the mammoth 6090’s job: Can you spot Rod in the videos?

10. What helps keep you motivated?  

I like the customers and FP staff. 

11. Favourite Proverb? 

Actions speak louder than words.

12. Something you are passionate about? 


13.   Favourite food? 

Shabu Shabu.

A japanese dinner table with a pot full o broth and vegetables in the centre. Plates of thinly sliced meat, napkins, chopstick, bowls, glasses of beer and Asahi bottles.
Shabu Shabu is a Japanese hotpot dish of thinly sliced meat and vegetables boiled in both and served with dipping sauces.

14. Someone you admire?  

My Mother and Father.

15. Coffee or Tea? 

Coffee in the morning and Tea at night.

16. Happy place? 


17. Favourite city? 

Also Kobe.

18. Morning person or night owl?  

Night owl.

19. First-ever job? 

My first ever job was a part-time job doing the soft drink run.

20. Favourite musician? 

Billy Joel


Freightplus. Worldwide.

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